Heathfield Benefice

The Church of England in Your Community

Hello and welcome 

Thank you for visiting the Heathfield Benefice website. We are ‘The Church of England in Your Community’, covering the town of Heathfield and the neighbouring villages of Old Heathfield and Broad Oak. We have three buildings in our parish, but we are one Church family. As such, we seek to respond to God’s love by walking alongside one another in all aspects of life’s journey: In life | In love | In loss. 


We hope you find our website useful, whether you’re new to the area, interested in exploring your faith, or have an important life event such as a child to be baptised, a wedding to be planned, or a funeral for a loved one. Everyone is welcome to attend our services and events so please do just come along, we also live-stream most of our Sunday morning worship so if you aren't able to come in person you can still be part of our church community.

We are currently without a vicar as Reverend Mitch has moved on to a fresh venture, however we continue with our services, activities and support, so please do join us or get in touch and if you think you might be our new prospective vicar why not take a look at our Parish Profile!

   Sunday Worship 

Click here to view our regular service schedule

Visit our YouTube Channel to view previous services 

Sunday 8th September - Trinity 15

10.00am Holy Communion at St Richard's Church, Heathfield

This will be live-streamed, please click on the link from 9.45am on Sunday, also available on Facebook Live)

3.00pm Holy Communion at St George's Church, Broad Oak

Sunday 15th September - Trinity 16

8.00am BCP Holy Communion at All Saints' Church, Old Heathfield.

10.00am Saints' Alive! at All Saints' Church, Old Heathfield.

This will be live-streamed, please click on the link from 9.45am on Sunday, also available on Facebook Live)

6.00pm Choral Evensong at St Richard's Church, Heathfield

This will be live-streamed, please click on the link from 5.45pm on Sunday, also available on Facebook Live)

Missed a service?

You can catch up on all our live-streamed services on the Heathfield Benefice YouTube channel  or click the links below for last week's service(s)

What's on

Grapevine weekly e-news

The best way to keep up to date with what's on in Heathfield Benefice is to receive our e-newsletter The Grapevine straight to your inbox. It includes all the latest news and information from the Benefice, some interesting local articles, and updates on all our regular Church Services. 

To sign up just fill in this simple form. You can unsubscribe at any time.


Read the latest edition - 06/09/2024

Saturday morning prayers 

Each Saturday at 9am, a group of parishioners meets for half an hour of prayer together. Prayers are led by different members of the group each week and offer a quiet and reflective time to join together to pray for both local and wider subjects. Everyone is welcome to join. 

On the first Saturday of each month we meet in person at St.Richard's Hall, all other Saturdays are on zoom. If you would like to find out more and receive these weekly prayers, please contact us

Baby and Toddler Groups in the Benefice

Our Monday Baby and Toddler group at St. George's, Broad Oak starts at 10am except on Bank Holidays.

Our Tuesday Baby and Toddler group at St. Richard's Church Hall runs during term-time at 1.30pm

Latest news


On 28th September 2024 at Broad Oak Village Hall to help raise funds for new lighting at St Richard's Church.


Mission Action Plan

Take a look at our published Mission Action Plan. Download a copy by clicking on the link below.

MAP 23  

Find and follow us on social media

We have an active and up to date Heathfield Benefice Facebook page so if you would like to keep up to date find, like and follow us!  We also live stream our Sunday morning services from our page.

We also have a YouTube channel with all our live-streamed and recorded services, if you subscribe you can get notifications any time a new video or premier is uploaded. 


Facebook and You Tube icons 


Making a donation

Heathfield Benefice has an exciting vision for growth, both in bringing more people to know God’s love for them, and responding to that love through service within our local community. We simply could not fulfil that vision without the generosity of so many people who provide their time, talents and financial support to the life and ministry of the Benefice.  


Regular giving helps us to plan our mission and ministry. If you would like to support our church by giving regularly or making a one-off donation you can find the different ways to do this here.