Heathfield Benefice

The Church of England in Your Community

Online Safety - for children and young people 

If you are a child or young person and you are worried about the way someone is treating you or you are worried about a friend it is important that you tell an adult you trust or you can contact CHILDLINE 0800 1111 for advice.


CHILDLINE is for you, online, on the phone, anytime. They have a smartphone app ‘For me’ which gives you advice and support about loads of things that you might be worried about or need answers too. There is also lots of information on www.childline.org.uk or phone 0800 1111


THINKUKNOW is a website we've already mentioned under the 'Online Safety' section, but it provides excellent advice and resources about on-line stuff that you may have questions or concerns about www.thinkuknow.co.uk 


THE MIX is a site aimed at under 25’s that looks at a variety of issues including sexting, online and mobile safety. If you are unsure about something and don’t want to ask someone this is a  great site to find some answers www.themix.org.uk/sex-and-relationships


If you have a concern about you or someone else it is important that you speak to an adult who you trust - just please be brave, and find the courage to tell someone.


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