Heathfield Benefice

The Church of England in Your Community

Prayer Shawls

During our Corporate Communion Reverend Mitch blessed four ‘prayer shawls’ which had been hand knitted by members of St Richard’s Mothers’ Union. Each shawl is knitted in a three stitch repeating pattern representing the Holy Trinity (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit). As the shawl is being knitted, the knitter prays words of love, comfort and warmth and asks that God’s Grace and Blessings be on the person who will receive it. We give the shawls, with a prayer card, to those who are in need of comfort perhaps due to illness or bereavement. As they wrap the shawl around their shoulders they can snuggle into it knowing it has been knitted and ‘threaded’ with love and kindness.   


Article written by Nora Millward, St Richard’s Mothers’ Union


 Prayer Shawls knitted by the Mothers' Union   Prayer Shawls knitted by the Mothers' Union

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